While doing my research I learnt the difference between layouts for print and layout for screen. I think that the two types of layouts are completely different, the only thing they have in common is the information columns. Screen layout tend to use columns of photos, whereas print layout use columns for text and information. On some of the print layouts that I've seen they don't use much of their space and only dedicate a small percentage of their two pages to two columns of text and may add a photo on one of the pages. Screen layout however use the majority of the page to fill with three or four columns of mainly photos/albums and maybe text.
These are my examples of how layouts have changed over the years. My first example is clearly a very old magazine layout. Even though it's old, grids/columns were still used and there were still some form of system of organization. The images are also black and white as around that time they would not have colour print. My second example is from around the 1930's when colour print was used. I think that on my example you can sense a change of style and a completely different layout being used. The main focus would be the big image of a woman using 1/2 of the page. You can see new fonts being used and a more developed style coming from this. Columns still being used to give the information order. My third example is a more up to date/modern example by Alexey Brodovitch. I think this example tries to interpret a vintage look even though its a modern magazine. The layout of this magazine is completely unique. Alexey has given the column of text a shape that is parallel to the woman's dress in the image on the first page. I think this is very creative and effective. You get a vintage sense from the pages being black and white and also from the featured image and the style of that. Overall I think layouts have slightly developed over the years. Apart from magazines being of a better quality now, layouts are mainly the same and all have the same concept to them.
These are my examples of how important grid systems are. My examples show that it is very important to have some from of order when laying out a magazine/website. On my first example you can see the clearness of where the information is. This is important as people know where to look and the information stands out. On my second example the information on the website stands out as its all aligned and in four columns, so people know what column of information is what. If there were no grid systems magazines/websites would have no form of order/organization.
I prefer a more modern/unique layout as I think they are very creative, well thought through and clever. I think when a layout has an edge to it, it grabs more of an audience and works well as a piece.
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