Thursday, 6 June 2013

Carried Away..

This is an image of a design I did for a college project called 'Carried Away..' Which was basically all about creating your own bag design for a shop of your choice. I chose to do a bag design for the shop called Accessorize. I was inspired by my research into Accessorize and the style of store and products they have. I found that the store was very feminine and full of patterned products which were very much to do with Summer as the Summer Collection was currently in the store. When creating this design I was hoping to achieve a very detailed, unique and bright piece which was very feminine at the same time. I made this by hand drawing everything and scanning it into the Mac and using Photoshop to add colour and more pattern. I added more patterns by finding Photoshop brushes that suited the style of the piece. The thing that I find works well is the largely detailed shapes on the piece. I think this because the detail interprets the whole style of Accessorize. If I were to improve this piece I'd change the whole thing because I personally think its too busy. I'd go for a more simple design but still keeping the colour and detail in the design.   

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